History of mathematics' didactic
What is the mental representation?
Matematical mental representation
Recording interview: René Thom, Dominique, Rosine...
Write to me


Pr. Dr. Jacques Nimier (France)


         I have started my carrer as a mathematics professor in a secondary school with students aged between 16 and 18 years old. During the first years of this time, I psychoanalised myself and went back to psychology studies. After my thesie about "The differents relations to maths" I teached communication to students in a Technology University Institute and then got the Chair of Clinic Psychology in the University of Reims and the direction of a Teacher Training Insitute (IUFM)

           From this day, I had the opportunity to create and animate training sessions called "face with violence" to thousand of teachers, and analysis groups about profesionnal practices where teachers or futures teachers could analyse the difficulties they have in their class or in training, specifiquely about violences and bullying.

 - Auteur (in French)

- My bibliography





History of mathematics' didactic
What is the mental representation?
Matematical mental representation
Recording interview: René Thom, Dominique, Rosine...
Write to me