History of mathematics' didactic
What is the mental representation?
Matematical mental representation
Recording interview: René Thom, Dominique, Rosine...
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Black thoughts

Here is part of an interview with a 16-year-old girl from the scientific stream:

<<-With maths, 1 think that when one has to solve something, you should do it progressively without jumping _jumping in that way from one question to another when they are totally different, you know ... And then, to see how far you can go, although 1 don't know myself! And it's precisely that, I am searching for a way of life ... a stability ...It is perhaps because 1 am looking for something that will make me stable, because 1 know very well that in myself, 1 am not.>>

Mathematics offers the possibility of gaining internal stability or a way of testing it out. In other words, it serves to set limits, but also sometimes to reinforce the ego.


<<-One day I'll be in a good mood, the next day I'll feel quite the opposite. I know very well I'm unstable. Well, perhaps I'm looking for something else; I think I've found it in maths, but that now it's much more difficult for me.


-What do you mean when you say you are not stable?

I-t's ... 1 don't know ... the mind and the thoughts ... in short, one day 1 will have quite bright, cheerful ideas and everything ... the next day I've black thoughts. And it's just that there's a contrast which comes about inside me. It's that, generally, when it's fine when the sun's shining, it's then that I'm most black.

With my previous maths, I'd found a bit of stability, much more so than I find now.>>

The mathematics she is now doing no longer enables this student to go on struggling. Instability has set in; black thoughts reappear in reaction to the weather. What are these black thoughts which mathematics is expected to keep in check?

<<-What are these things you call black thoughts?

-I don't know ... I don't know. Well, how strange life is! In short, it's not always pleasant ... there are things like that. 1 try to throw myself in to my work by trying to work, to forget all these black ideas. It's often difficult, they always return ... afterwards, just the same... Well, 1 think that it affects your health. It's not easy either, everyday, In short, 1 think that everything is held in. I don't know exactly what, well I'm ill..

. I've a little brother and I've great difficulty in getting on with him because he's always full of ... he's always on the go. And then he really takes life a it comes ... also I can't get on with him ... I'm as withdrawn as he's outgoing!>>

Over-investment of energy in mathematics was functioning to keep the mind busy so that she does not think about the aggressive and guilt-making ideas and that she knows rationally 'how far you can go' in behaviour to a brother. 

Various mental representations


History of mathematics' didactic
What is the mental representation?
Matematical mental representation
Recording interview: René Thom, Dominique, Rosine...
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