From the scientific stream
has the feeling of creating something which came
out of her, but which didn't begin with
<<You like making
Yes, by doing maths, you
are making something for yourself. You are making
something. Well, it's for that reason ... that we
enjoy it; everybody likes to make something, I
think, because if one doesn't manage to make
something, in the end to find ... to find peace, to
have precisely the joy of having done it, 1 think
that makes you do more, in any case; it makes me do
more ...
Do you feel you're doing
something that comes from YOU?
Ah, yes! Which comes from
us, Yes, like something that you think you find, or
you show. Yes, because, of course, the start of a
problem doesn't come from you, but after doing what
has to be done, the most important things is that
which has to come from you.
The fantasy of childbirth,
bringing with it a notion of peace, shows how the
mathematical object can have energy invested in it
in a very personal way when the motivation and the
interest of the student is