Shelomo Selinger

The Death Camps - Drawings by a Survivor

Memoir from Beyond a Life


Somogy- Editions d'ART. (2005) ISBN: 2-85056-861-9 (30 €)

This book is published with the support for the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah


Sixty years after a red Army doctor snatched him from the jaws of death at Theresienstadt, Shelomo Selinger unveils sixty drawings upon his own concentration camp experience. Needless to say that nothing he draws is made up, as he has himself been an inmate in nine different camps. The artist had already established himself as a fine sculptor when? some twenty years after taking up the chisel, he started working with charcoal and ink. If, like Goya, Selinger is more than an artist of the horrors of war, it is perhaps when he uses line to describe what he lived through that we are most aware of the great mastery. These drawing are terrible testimony to the unthinkable atrocity of the Shoah. They are also masterpieces from the art of se second half of the twentieth century.

Table of contents

When I Met Schelomo

"I have seen the unthinkable"

Shelomo Selinger: One Man Destiny

Shelomo Selinger or the Silo of Silence


Awards, Exhibitions, Publications

Henry Bulawko

Marie-Françoise Bonicel

Ruth Shapirovsky-Selinger

Michel Garel

p. 6

p. 10

p. 18

p. 38

p. 47



"To the Gaz Chamber"


A passage


"I have seen the unthinkable"

<<Dedicated for the most part to the images-cum-memories of the nine deportation camps and two death marches that he survived, these drawings in charcoal by Shelomo Selinger translate into black and white the voiceless cry of an experience beyond the reach of thought. In these pages, too, he draws the fractured lines of tragic moments that he carries within himself although he himself did not live through them, moments that belong to his people's collective memory, such as the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, the deportation of Janusz Korczak and the liberation of Auschwitz.

In this segment of time that still holds him captive is both the raw wound and a memory to be shared, one that he works through here in some sixty works chosen fortheir evocative power.

Each is a marker, evoking the places of internment and the death marches, alongside which he invites us to make our awn journey. Alongside, only alongside, for we can never do more than stand on the threshold of what was experienced, of what still surges forth in the ghoulish dreams of hisnights and the thoughts of his day. What he gives us to see is in effect only the cast shadow of figures marching towards a destiny of ashes.>> Marie Françoise Bonicel p. 10

One can see his sculptures

Mental representation
Making up representation
Various representation
Defense mechanisms
Questionnaire Counting
diagram of mathematical representations
My bibliography
Cognitive and emotional interactions
History of mathematics' didactic.
Rosine and her confinement in mathematics
Write me
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